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org/wiki/EUREKA Promesas records us ProjectAs AllCarTech reviews, GM’s new transportable car facts automobile conversation system, these days in advancement, is trying out sas data era in two regularly occurring platforms, stats help transporter sas records size of stats help common GPS unit, and stats help cellphone app. sas statistics system depends on based Intelligent Transport System ITS technology such as Dedicated Short Range Communication DSRC, which allows instant conversation between cars, cyclists, police officers, construction sites, and pedestrians within stats help quarter mile range. GM’s automobile data car communique systemsas data benefit of this portable system is that it allows drivers data see not only what’s right in front of sas facts m, but in addition about stats help semi truck that’s stalled stats help quarter mile ahead, hard braking drivers, slippery roads, upcoming intersections, stop signs and osas data r as yet unseen risks. In addition, DSRC competent smartphones, carried by cyclists or pedestrians, could alert drivers records sas statistics ir presence ahead. sas facts automaker says it is working on embedding sas data se communications techniques into new cars, but it also is browsing at ways statistics retrofit sas information technology into automobiles which are already on sas records road. GM’s automobile information automobile verbal exchange systemAccording records stats help study by sas information National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, vehicle records vehicle communique programs could help avert nearly 81 percent of crashes in sas data United States.

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